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Camgloss Lenspen mini Pro II

Amour & Tech - ACHETEZ
Camgloss Lenspen mini Pro II
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Prix: 15,00 €

The Lens Pen is an easy-to-use, specially-shaped cleaning tool. It is as big as pen it removes even the smallest dust particles fingerprints effectively, safely gently from the surface your lenses.One side the Lens Pen ...

Expédié dans 4 a 5 jours

Marque: Camgloss

Modèle de l'article: C8023797

EAN: 4019518023797

Ref. Coditek: P192569

Livraison Standard (48h a 72h): €15

Livraison Express (24h): €28


Descriptif technique Camgloss Lenspen mini Pro II

Camgloss Lenspen mini Pro II

The Lens Pen is an easy-to-use, specially-shaped cleaning tool. It is as big as a pen and it removes even the smallest dust particles and fingerprints effectively, safely and gently from the surface of your lenses.

One side of the Lens Pen has a soft, retractable lens brush; the opposite side is provided with a concave cleaning tip.

The cap of the Lens Pen contains a proven, carbon-based cleaning agent which neither leaks nor dries out. By turning the pen -with the cap on- the fine coating of the cleaning tip will renew and the pen will be ready pour its next use.

The Lens Pen can also be used pour clean the lenses of your Jumelless and spotting scopes easily and quickly, as well as pour wipe your Lunettes.

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